Thursday, May 16, 2013

But have you ever tried eating tandoori chicken?

Recently I read an article on NPR about the attitudes of vegetarians towards people who eat non-vegetarian food.Vegans or the pseudo vegans (those who consume animal products like milk, cheese etc.) consider themselves to be on the moral high ground.They look down on non-vegetarians. Being Indian the case is special for me. India is a  where the percentage of vegetarian population is unusually high (It is around 30%  compared to 2-3% in other parts of the world). So bumping into one is not very uncommon.

  “Dude! you are eating shit! That piece of shit was living! Don’t you have a heart?"

I feel insulted. That is my food you are talking about! Anyways, even If I try to resuscitate the chicken would it come alive? My only reaction to this would be “But have you ever tried eating tandoori chicken?” and anyways the chicken has a heart too and its tasty…

Most of the people try to spread vegetarianism by showing you gruesome videos of cows, chickens and ducks being slaughtered in pool of blood.
YES! I GET IT! The videos that are shown people killing animals are gruesome…the sight of blood, the stink of flesh is awful. Did you ever try to think why it is that you feel it is gruesome? May be you are built that way! “But have you ever tried eating tandoori chicken?

Even plants have life. Do you think god made them for your consumption? I don’t think so…..
When you are eating  bread you actually grind and eat the live embryos of wheat!
One bread will have about a million seeds! Killing one seed is better or million?
I eat bread too, “But have you ever tried eating tandoori chicken?

Only explanation the vegetarians would give me is that the plants are made to be eaten! Gods have made plants so that you can eat. Even your shit would be vegetarian!
I say F#$k the science! What has science ever done for me? Who gives a damn about the canine you have? What about the milk you consume? Yes, god made cows for you so that you can drink its milk!

Some explanations are also humorous. “Vegetarians eat only parts of plants and not the full plant”
I could say the same thing “I eat only the leg piece” If you ever come across a chicken with one leg, most probably its me!  

Vegetarians would always give you examples of great people who are vegetarians. Albert Einstein, Pamela Anderson, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Hitler.
I can give you examples of great people who are non-vegetarians… "ME" !

Each of the groups below think they are morally superior to others:

Vegans – No milk, No cheese - Damn those fat a$$es!
Jains (A sect in Indian subcontinent)- No tomatoes, potatoes garlic or onions- Damn those Onion eaters!
Vegetarians- No animals, but animal products like milk, cheese is ok ! Damn those meat eaters!
Hindus – No cows because cow is god! Damn you beef eaters!
Muslims and Jews – No Pigs! Damn you Bacon eaters!
Christians – No humans, because humans are humans! F@$& you Cannibals!
Cannibals - "We don't discriminate" - Damn you all!

Would you care if somebody else eats you (assuming you are a human and not a chicken)? Hmm, I say I could care less, I am dead right? 
 Each of the  above groups would like to admit people from other group! But trust me if you think it is hard for a Veggie to convert to meat eater than you would be surprised! It is even harder for meat eater to become veggie!

 I do enjoy the occasional naked protesting by PeTA. That is the only time all the people would be willing to eat lettuce neatly covering the required organs.

This eternal fight between Vegans and Carnivores will continue till the end of time. 
Me writing anything or you reading anything won’t change anything, So just Let me be! 
This fight is very much like stupid religious leaders fighting among each other claiming that their religion is best…To all the religious leaders, shouldn't you be asking your self, “have you ever tried eating tandoori chicken?

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