Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! 2010

I have always wondered why do new year's suck so much for me! Sooo much! This year it was by far the worst. This New year did bring me some news which in one sense is not as bad as expected! Let it be alone.
Now thinking of what I learnt this whole year. It started with me being away from my loved ones in a land faar away. Making new friends, breaking from some old friends. Going back home to become a same person as I was before. But the best thing was that I tried to be a better man. And I did succeed to a large extent! How,  I would not care to explain because that is the part of betterment! 

At work my trials and tribulations started by the end of a hot Indian summer and start of long rainy season. The word of the year "Recession" , I came to know the hard way. I came to know that most of the values stand only for the namesake. Recession at my place became synonymous with harassment. Constant threat and execution of threats. Policies that break your will to protest and make you bow down before the "MAN". You know how much we loathe the MAN?

This year made me realize my short comings and my capacities to excel beyond belief. It made me realize how bad I am at spellings. How good I am at understanding things around myself. It made me realize that parents do get old along with me. It made me realize that your old mistakes never leave you. It made me realize love never stays forever neither does hate. It made me realize how equal we all are.How good my voice is! How badly I play a Guitar. There are people who know more music than me.

This year's winter started in a desperate quest to set goals which will reap benefits in the near future.And reap they did! Now again I am far away in a cold desert! Calm to an extent. In search of true friends who don't fake search of the music

Hope is the worst I don't hope anything for this year! Anyways these "New Years" are fake milestones which make you realize things you don't want to realize!


  1. Wish you a happy new year!! Well I make only one resolution for this year: I am not going to be in the same place where I am right now!! and year ends are not fake milestones, they are publicly recognized INTROSPECTION days ;)
    Fine I made that publicly recognized shit up and I think it sucks!!! :)

  2. amen....change is always for good!

  3. good one..atlast you have admitted some of the things which i used to point out :)
    that you suck in spellings and you dont know to play Guitar ....hahaha

  4. Ya..i know few things....but u too should admit!
